Student guide

Sanako Connect guide for students

Welcome to using Sanako Connect as a student! 

Connect is a language learning environment, where your teacher is able to provide you with exercises and activities which focus on improving your language skills. 

Entering a session

Your teacher provided you with link to their session. It will look something like this: 

Click on the link to enter the session. 

Next, you will be prompted for your name. Type in your name into the field and click Continue. 

Next up is a quick microphone and webcam check. Speaking and listening are important parts of your practice time, so be sure to select the correct microphone

Mic check

If your institution is using Sanako headsets, the most likely selection you need to make is the one which says USB Sound Device. 

After selecting the correct microphone, you can click on the red recording button to test your microphone. If the microphone you selected is the correct one, you should hear yourself clearly when playing back the test recording. Click on Continue to enter the session

Student interface

After entering a session, you will see something like this: 

If your teacher has made any exercises available to you, you will see them under the Exercises text. If you click on the Welcome message text, you will see any instructions your teacher has provided to the class. 

In the top right corner you have buttons for chat and the Student menu. 

The Student menu has the options for microphone settings, asking the teacher for help and accessing the virtual keyboard, which allows you to use symbols which are difficult to find on your keyboard. The menu also has the option for showing your student token, which we will cover later in this guide. 


In Connect, there are two ways your teacher can provide you with exercises. If your class is doing live activities, then your teacher will be controlling the exercise and all you need to do is to follow their instructions.

Your teacher can also make exercises available to you to work on your own, either in the classroom or at home. These exercises are shown under the Exercises text. You can start working on any of the available exercises by clicking on the exercise. 

At the end of the exercise, you will see a green button, Submit. Clicking on this button will send the exercise back to your teacher for review. 

If your teacher provides you with feedback after completing the exercise, you will see the text feedback next to the exercise.

You can click on the exercise to see the feedback your teacher has provided you with. You will see the feedback at the top of the exercise. 

Using your student token

The student token is a unique way of re-entering the session with a different device. This token is shown to you when you enter the session, but you can also access it later from the student menu on the top right corner of your interface. 

This is what the token looks like when accessed from the student menu: 

This is how the token is displayed when entering a session: 

If you need to access the session with a different device, you will need this token. 

To use the token with a different device, click on the link your teacher has sent for the session. You will see the the name prompt again, but this time click on the Use your token text at the bottom: 

This will bring up a request to enter your token. Enter the token into the field and click on Check token. If the token is valid, you can choose Yes, change to previous profile to access the session.