Teaching resources

Teaching resources in the session dashboard

Teaching resources is your central storage for materials to be used in Connect. It also has features for creating your own materials, an image bank and access to the shared materials in your institution. 

You can find the Teaching resources by logging in to Connect. In the menu at top, you have two items: Sessions and Teaching resources.  Click on Teaching resources. 

Under Teaching resources, you have two different storage locations: My exercises  and School. 

My exercises and school area

My exercises is your own personal storage for materials and exercises. You can also share materials with your teaching colleagues at your institution in the School storage, which hosts all shared materials. Both places have the basic file management functionalities, such as creating folders or moving materials from one place to the other. The main difference is that you can access the My exercises storage from within a session, which means all of the materials are at your disposal. If another teacher from your institution has shared a fantastic resource in the School storage, it is a good idea to copy it over to your own personal storage so you can use it and modify it based on your needs. 

Menu items

In the menu at the top, you have access to the material creation functions: 

+Exercise – This button opens up the exercise editor. The editor allows you to create your custom exercises, anything from simple tasks to multi-paged advanced exercises. You have the full suite of functionalities in Connect to choose from. 

Audio – This button allows you to record your own voice which you can then use as a prompt, an example or instructional material in your lessons. 

Video – This button allows you to record your webcam. You can use the recorded video in any way you want in Connect, for example as a source for a translation task or dictation. 

Upload – This button allows you to upload any files you want to use in your teaching. You can upload them as single files, or as a batch. Simply drag and drop the files to the designated area. 

Find Images – This button opens up an image bank, which allows you to search and select images to be used in your lessons. You can also use these images in exercise creation. 

Image bank