Category Archives: Online Language Lab
A six-step plan to support your students to learn vocabulary when teaching online
Sanako Connect can help learners build vocabulary by providing a variety of opportunities to learn [...]
How to conduct speaking activities online effectively
Maximizing opportunities for students to practice their foreign language speaking skills is one of the [...]
How Sanako Connect supports educators to deliver Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
How can you apply CLIL or Content and Language Integrated Learning to your online language [...]
How Sanako helps teachers to deliver Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)?
Learn what is Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning (TBLT) and why Sanako's virtual classroom solution [...]
Teach languages at home or school with Sanako Connect
Sanako Connect offers a complete online language lab solution for synchronous and asynchronous language teaching.
Why are more education institutions switching to Sanako Connect?
Why Sanako customers are adopting Sanako Connect as their online language teaching solution? Sanako Connects [...]