Submissions and feedback

Submissions and feedback in brief

When your students complete an exercise or an activity, their work is sent back to you. You can then review their work, and also provide them with feedback. This feedback can be written or recorded. You will find the student submissions and feedback options under Exercises inside each session. The submissions are collected per exercise or activity. Here’s an example: 

In this example, “My first exercise” has no submissions. The second one, “Recording exercise”, has 1 submission, and for the Speaking practice activity, we have two submissions. 

To access the submissions, click on the text “X submissions” like below.

Collect, reopen and reset

At the top of the submissions menu, you have the options for Collect all, Reopen for all and Reset All. 

Collect all – this button immediately collects all student work for this exercise. Your students can no longer work on the exercise. 

Reopen for all – this button can be used after students have submitted their work, or after you have clicked on Collect all. This sends the exercise back to the students, and allows them to continue working on the assignment. This is useful if you want the students to be able to redo parts of the exercise, for example. 

Reset all – this button resets the exercise for all students, removing all their previous work. Clicking on this button allows your students to completely redo the exercise. Pay close attention here, since resetting the exercise will remove all student submissions as well.  If you want to retain the submissions, but would like your students to have another go at the exercise, create a copy of the exercise instead. 


You can view the submissions for each activity/exercise “by Student” or “by task”.

Viewing them by task shows you the answers from the whole class for each section under this particular assignment. Viewing them by student allows you to review each student’s work separately.

In the image below, we have chosen view by task

and in this image, we are using view by student

Feedback functionalities

To provide feedback for an individual student, first open the submission for that student, then review their work, and click on Give general feedback. This opens up a text box for written feedback, and the option for recording your feedback either as audio, or video. 

When you are done, click on Show feedback to student toggle to send the feedback back to your student.