Author Archives: Sanako Blog

The 6 best apps for language teachers

Technology is a powerful tool to improve your language classes. Let's discover 6 apps that [...]

How Sanako Connect helped the University of Leeds to keep learning going during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Explore how Sanako Connect has minimised disruption for staff and students at the University of [...]

How Sanako products are used for Blended Learning at St. Benedict’s School?

How St. Benedict's School in London practice Blended Learning with Sanako products in normal times [...]

How do Sanako solutions help to deliver interpreting and translation studies at the University of East Anglia?

How a university in the UK deliver specialized interpreting and translation studies with the help [...]

How University of Rzeszów uses Sanako language teaching solutions

How a university in Poland adapted to online teaching using Sanako Connect - the specialised [...]

How did Sanako support language teaching and learning during the pandemic in Italy?

How an Italian institution specialised in training translators and interpreters uses Sanako products for on [...]

How to buy Sanako solutions? Contact your local Sanako reseller

How do you buy Sanako solutions to improve the language teaching at your institution? And [...]

Which virtual classroom is best for language teachers?

In this post, we analyze the differences between virtual classroom software tools and discuss which [...]

5 tips for teachers to manage Virtual Classrooms more efficiently

Remote teaching is here to stay. In this article, we offer you the 5 fundamental [...]